Working with Math Vocabulary is a key issue! In my classroom we used visuals and word walls when working with math. Students were excited about new words posted and inquiring into the words meaning in groups and whole class. Having math vocabulary words visible in the classroom made it easy to quickly and often review the words, by using quizzes, center activities and games. Ever tried to play “Which word is missing?” with your Word Wall? Kids love it! Another fun activity that one of my colleagues showed me is to give one vocabulary word to each student in the class and have them walk (or even dance) around the classroom to music. When the music stops they partner up and explain the definition of their words to each other, then swap words. A great activity when you feel like your students need to move around a little:)!
New Math Vocabulary Set
Head on over to my TpT Store to download the 56 most common Math Vocabulary Words for YOUR Math word wall. You will also find a free title poster to go along with it:)!